RED Talks return in-person for fall with two alumni sharing insight on topics that are on top of mind for our students, faculty and staff. In October, Raj Rajamani shares how SentinelOne created $50 billion of value using machine learning in security. Then in November, Claus Moberg from Roblox provides a primer on the Metaverse. Both events will be held in 1240 Computer Sciences and will be recorded for those unable to attend.
RED Talk with Raj Rajamani
Thursday, October 13, 2022 • 3:00-4:00pm • 1240 Computer Sciences
Register Here
“How We Created $50B of Value Using Machine Learning in Security”
In this talk, Raj Rajamani will take you on a time machine ride to explore the technology used by leading Cybersecurity products. Starting with some of the earliest products from the 90s (signature based detection) through the 2000s that saw the advent of Intrusion Prevention technology and whitelisting, the 2010s in which AI/ML was used in a pioneering manner to the state of the art in the 2020s.
This RED Talk is hosted by Computer Sciences Professor Patrick McDaniel.
RED Talk with Claus Moberg
Thursday, November 10, 2022 • 4:00-5:00pm • 1240 Computer Sciences
Register Here
“A Primer on the Metaverse: How and Why Roblox is Building the World’s First Large Scale Social Co-Experience Platform”
The “Metaverse” is currently one of the hottest buzzwords in the internet technology space, but, as with many buzzwords, the concept is poorly defined and often misapplied to companies and products that are only tangentially related to the core concept. Roblox has spent the last 18 years building our version of the metaverse: a user-generated content platform powering online immersive human co-experience.
In this talk, we’ll explore the key feature set that any platform must have to be competitive within the metaverse platform space, and we’ll take a look at Roblox’s unique approach to satisfying this list of requirements. In doing so, we’ll address several important issues that the industry as a whole is still grappling with: open source vs. vertical integration; monetization mechanisms and their impact on user safety; and how many triangles do you need to be truly immersive?
This RED Talk is hosted by Computer Sciences Assistant Professor Yuhang Zhao.
About RED Talks
RED Talks are a School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences event series designed to advance learning at the intersection of technology and humanity. RED Talks feature academic and industry leaders sharing their exciting work and offering insights into topics that are often interdisciplinary and always cutting edge. Learn about the series and previous talks here.