One chancellor, 8,600 freshmen and seven School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences (CDIS) faculty members started their first semester at UW–Madison this week. CDIS is excited to see how each new badger weaves their experiences and strengths into the fabric of our university.
Four new faculty will begin this fall in Statistics and bring expertise in areas such as deep learning theory, statistical machine learning, and statistical applications in credit risk theory. Computer Sciences has three faculty starting this year with another two to begin next fall. Their expertise includes security, machine learning and cryptography.
The hires are part of our multi-year effort to grow our faculty, enhance our research and teaching strengths, and extend our impact in interdisciplinary areas. Faculty make their mark quickly as we can see with iSchool’s fall 2021 hire Adam Rule who was awarded an American Medical Grant, Computer Sciences’s spring 2021 hire Yuhang Zhao who is part of the team helping first responders’ decision-making skills with augmented reality, and Statistics’s fall 2020 hire Jessi Cisewski-Kehe who presented at JSM 2022 on using topological data analysis to distinguish cosmological models.
We are eager to see what our new faculty cohort will accomplish! Please help us welcome them to the community.
Computer Sciences
Rishab Goyal
PhD: University of Texas at Austin
Research Areas: Cryptography, Computer Security
Other Interests: Running, Martial Arts
Kirthi Kandasamy
PhD: Carnegie Mellon University
Research Areas: Machine Learning
Patrick McDaniel
Tsun-Ming Shih Chair in the College of Letters & Science
PhD: University of Michigan
Research Areas: Cyber-Security, Systems
Other Interests: Flying as a licensed pilot, crossfit, racing on professional tracks
Joshua Cape
PhD: Johns Hopkins University
Research Areas: Statistical Machine Learning, Multivariate Statistics, Network Analysis, Matrix Analysis
Other Interests: Recreational Athletics, Biking, Traveling
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Yinqiu He
PhD: University of Michigan
Research Areas: High-Dimensional Statistical Inference, Rare-Event Simulation, Mediation Pathway Analysis, Network Analysis, Statistical Machine Learning
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Alejandra Quintos
PhD: Columbia University
Research Areas: Problems In Probability, Stochastic Processes, Statistics Motivated by their Applications, Particularly in Mathematical Finance
Other Interests: Running in Marathons
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Yiqiao (Joe) Zhong
PhD: Princeton University
Research Areas: Deep Learning Theory, Particular Generalization, Optimization Properties of Over-Parametrized Models
Other Interests: Chess, Poker, Room Escape, Puzzle-Solving Games, Museums, Concerts, Operas, Broadway Musicals
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