For some companies and industries, data has become like the air they breathe—it’s all around them, and essential to business growth. For others, data is like a vast and confusing ocean that threatens to drown them in its expansive tides.
Professor of Computer Sciences Jignesh Patel grasps the nuance of both metaphors. Finding a way to help business and individuals harness vast streams of data is the primary reason he and his student Rogers Jefferey Leo John founded DataChat, a tech startup that develops a software platform to make managing data easy for just about everyone.
Patel began researching the idea for DataChat back in 2015, just as the nascent data science field was beginning to explode.
“People were looking to find patterns in data by doing this new form of science, which has a very systematic, methodical way of sifting through the data, building models and applying tools like machine learning to discover interesting trends in the data,” says Patel.
Read full article at https://ls.wisc.edu/news/data-for-all